Wednesday, July 21, 2010

We're so blessed

I just wanted to take a moment to pause and reflect on how blessed Brandon and I truly are. I just found out that someone else I know had a miscarriage. During the 38 weeks that I have been pregnant, that makes 3 people I know personally who have miscarried. I have been devastated for each of the 3 people and their families because I now understand almost completely the grief that must be overwhelming them. I say almost because I've never lost a baby before but I've carried mine for 38 weeks and I love him so intensely already that I know if I were to lose him, I wouldn't know how to carry on. I have spent the past 9 months of my life preparing for the entrance of this little wonder into our lives and I already feel like "Mommy" to little baby boy. I can't imagine that being stripped away from me before I ever got to meet him. My heart aches for the women I know who have lost their babies before they got to meet them. I find myself crying occasionally for the 2 families I knew before today that miscarried and I'm sure I will mourn for this new family as well. I don't want to mention them by name, but please pray for these 3 women and their spouses and families.

Besides being blessed to have carried my baby this far, Brandon and I are also so blessed by what God has chosen to give us. I know everyone has heard this phrase over and over and thinks it is probably so cliche, but "God's timing is perfect." I cling to this phrase during this phase in our lives because God has a funny way of coaxing you to trust Him. I don't need to go into details but we are facing uncertainty in some areas of our life and in the exact month we are expecting our first baby. I have no doubt that God will carry us through and also no doubt that we are being led through this during this exact time in our life because He wants us to trust him. He wants us to take Him by the hand and let him lead us into darker and darker surroundings until we are blind to what is around us and have to trust His Leading Hand. Frankly I'm not worried for once in my life. I have such a peace about our future that I have not given a second thought to whether we'll be ok or not... I just know we will be. Don't mistake this for arrogance. I have learned before that it is not up to me and Brandon or how hard we try... its about trusting God. In a way, I'm kind of excited that life is lining up the way it is... not that I would choose this way, but since its already been chosen for us, why not buckle up and sit back to enjoy the ride? I know this is all so vague and maybe one day I'll be able to tell you about it, but just know that Brandon and I are so blessed. If I had to count my blessings, I'd probably run out of time before I ran out of blessings.

I'm feeling so incredibly grateful for God's Providence in our lives that I just want to shout it from the rooftops. I have an amazing man who loves me and provides for me, a beautiful son on the way any day, a roof over my head every night, and all the luxuries I need.

Thank you Lord for all you've blessed my little family with. I hope I can honor You enough in my lifetime.

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