Monday, February 1, 2010

14 weeks

I spoke too soon. Or I jinxed myself. Or... maybe I'm going to be one of the women whose morning sickness lasts... 9... whole... months... Can anyone hear the despair in my voice? Last week I told you that I has finally crossed over into the blissfully nausea-and-exhaustion-free second trimester and spent the whole day feeling great. About 20 minutes after submitting my blog post, the nausea hit. This was one of the worst weeks of my pregnancy as far as morning sickness goes. Monday night I was so nauseous that I spent over an hour on my knees in front of the toilet, crying and breathing heavy and swallowing that nasty spit (sorry this is getting a little graphic) and eventually making my peace with the idea of actually vomiting... only to not. I took a zofran (anti-nausea medication) around 9:30 and just about the time that I was ready to stop suffering and just get it over with and throw up, my nausea subsided juuuuust enough to where I couldn't throw up. Then I got to lay in bed until after midnight, moaning and groaning and sitting up suddenly, until finally exhaustion won that battle and I fell asleep. Needless to say, I was fatigued the rest of the week because I just couldn't catch up on my sleep and I had a packed schedule. So my promise of a picture of week 13 is unfulfilled... between the morning sickness and my schedule this past week, whipping out the camera and dolling up my hair just didn't cross my mind. I'll post later about my busy week but for now, here is my survey for this week!

How far along? 14 weeks 1 day

Weight gain? according to the scale at my mother-in-law's house, 5 pounds (if anyone is keeping up with this that is technically a pound a week for the past 3 weeks! ahhhh) I go to the doctor this week so I'll give you an "official" poundage number then =)

Maternity clothes? Not yet although I'm getting to the point where everything is feeling tighter. I'm much more comfortable in pj's than real clothes

Sleep? I still get up to go to the bathroom once or twice a night, sometimes 3 times (poor brandon, he's a pretty light sleeper for the most part and wakes up every time I get up!) And I'm still having pretty vivid dreams (and nightmares!) but this is pretty normal (or so I've read)

Stretch Marks? None

Best Moment this week? Wednesday evening I had to run home to grab my book for class (naturally preggo brain here forgot it) and I was feeling so exhausted and so nauseous that I actually considered skipping class. In undergrad I would skip class and not think twice about it but since being in my MBA program I have missed only 1 class and that was due to a work conflict (which is considered an excused absence in our program). During my 10 minutes of wrestling with "do I go?" or "do I stay home?" Brandon's face lit up and he said "I have something for you that will make you feel better!" My silent response was "yeah right, nothing will make me feel better at this moment" but he whipped out his phone and played the recording of our baby's heartbeat. The sound of a tiny racing heartbeat got me up and out the door to class. I love that sound. And I love my husband for knowing exactly what I needed for motivation because I would have considered myself a quitter for not going to class. That was the best moment of my week =)

Movement? I think it is still too early for kicks, buuuut I've felt little flutterings that stop me in my tracks and I have to wonder, was that the baby? Everything I've read says that at this stage in the game its probably just gas... sweet, I just let the whole world know I have gas... or tummy growlings, etc. But maybe not, the baby might just be saying "hey mom! I'm here, doing gymnastics, just like you!" =)

Food Cravings? Eh, this week I didn't really want anything to eat, I just wanted to not feel nauseous so I ate something to try and make me feel better. I still want scrambled eggs and cheese in the morning more than anything else and something hearty (and unfortunately fatty or carby) for lunch(es) and dinner(s) (plural because I usually eat two of these meals a day... yea yea, I'm pregnant and feeding two ok?)

Food Aversions? coffee, ew. salads, gag. I'm not sure I would call this an aversion, but I sure have avoided fruit the past few months so maybe it is! The thought of eating some fruit makes my tummy flip flip, how sad.

What I'm looking forward to? feeling energetic and not nauseated and running.

Milestones... says that the baby can now make facial expressions and weighs 1.5 ounces. The baby is the size of a lemon now! Wow!

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