Can you believe it?? I'm going to be mommy to a sweet little BOY!! I thought it was a girl... actually Brandon and I thought it was going to be a girl and everyone else I know kept saying girl. I did have that very vivid dream it was a boy though...
I guess you can tell that this week we got to go for our 20 week ultrasound. We went Friday and before we went I told Brandon I just had to have some fruit or some juice so that the baby would be awake so we went and got a biscuit (that craving just hasn't gone away!) and some oj and then headed to the doctor. A close family friend of Brandon's family was our ultrasound technician and we were so thankful because she was so sweet to us! I asked her beforehand what happened if something was wrong with the baby because I know that the techs usually aren't allowed to say anything. She assured me that I would see a provider that same day and wouldn't have to wait if there was bad news... BUT God is good and our baby is HEALTHY!! We are so grateful! Brandon and I have really felt like we didn't care one way or the other about the sex of the baby, so long as he/she was healthy...some people say this is cliche but honestly this is how we felt, especially with Brandon's history and the stories his mom has told us about her pregnancy with him. If you don't know this story, Brandon was born with spina bifida, a fancy term for when some of the spinal nerves grow outside of the body instead of inside where they belong. In most cases of children with spina bifida, they are paralyzed and have many complications. Brandon's mother was told by 9 different doctors to abort him and thank Jesus she didn't!!! Brandon has had a couple of surgeries (this explains the crazy looking scar on the back of his neck) and is completely fine!!! We know that God is a God of miracles and that Brandon was put on this earth exactly the way he was (and with the entrance he had) for a purpose. Knowing that life is so fragile and can start out with complications so early, we both have been pouring our hearts out to God just asking that he bless us with a healthy child and if He chose not to, to at least give us the strength and wisdom to deal with whatever He chose to give us. Before we were even called back for the ultrasound, I started to cry in the waiting room. Why? Because I was so overwhelmed with emotion. I felt like I was about to "meet" our baby for the first time (I know we had our initial u/s and got to see the baby, but we didn't know the sex yet) and I was about to find out if he/she was healthy or not. It was such a pivotal moment because my life was about to change forever, one way or the other. I would know whether to buy pink or blue and whether my baby had ten fingers and ten toes or if his/her heart had a hole or if the stomach was forming correctly, etc etc etc. If the tech had found some sort of defect my life would have been altered forever. You can see why I was emotional wreck. Once we got back to the u/s room, I was composed... but not for long! As soon as she showed us his face, I lost it! I saw MY LIPS and MY CHIN on the screen!! I'm actually crying again as I type this because it amazes me that my little munchkin has some of my features! Brandon and I think that he looks like Brandon from the eyes up and that his face looks like me from the lips down. We are still a little unsure about whose nose he has but we think it looks more like my nose than Brandon's. Actually, I think the baby's nose looks like my brother's nose did when Josh was little, a little button nose! I also think the baby has Brandon's legs because they look so long from the hip to the knee. I think I'm going to end up with a tall son, just like his daddy!
During the ultrasound I was emotional partly because I was in awe of seeing my little one and partly because as the u/s tech was doing the anatomy scan and checking off body parts and organs that she was supposed to look at, I was experiencing some deja vue. Why? Because what I've been praying was almost an exact echo of the u/s checklist! With the exception of the adrenal glands! The u/s tech checked those out and I realized I haven't been praying for baby boys adrenal glands! Whoops! I've been praying for everything else, fingers and toes, arms and legs, stomach and intestines and kidneys and liver and bladder and heart and lungs and brain and eyes, ears, nose, mouth, neck, tongue, etc etc! But dangit! I forgot those adrenal glands! Maybe someone else has been praying for those because they looked great! Thanks to whomever has been lifting up my baby's adrenal glands in prayer! =)
This was BY FAR the highlight of my week and a moment that I'll never forget. Brandon and I held hands while we found out that our little munchkin is going to be a rowdy little boy and I cried and cried and cried some more. We are both thrilled. Brandon has been hoping for a boy and was just ecstatic that he is going to have a son. I am semi in shock still because I realized that instead of dance recitals and gymnastics meets, I'm going to be lugging coolers of juice boxes and cut up oranges to baseball games and soccer fields! BUT, I know I'm going to love every second of it! Afterall I am a cheerleader at heart. I'll probably be the loudest mommy cheering on her son at every game! =) Plus, I can spit sunflower seeds and chew gum with the best of them =)
Some other moments from this week that aren't quite as spectacular as the doctors appointment but worthy of a mention so we don't lose the humor of this pregnancy are:
Last Sunday night we were going with our LifeGroup from church to go bowling and then out to dinner. That day I had gone to church, left and gone straight to school to meet with my group about a group project, gotten home and went for a run (because it was a gorgeous day!) and then showered as soon as I got back because I knew we had to leave at 4:30 to ride with Kate and Rusty (who live down the street) . I got ready and Brandon said he was going to get dressed and then we could leave so I decided to start cutting up the fresh pineapple I had gotten the day before. I was mid-pineapple (and mid-bite) when I heard Brandon behind me stop. I turned around and he said "what made you decide to start cutting a pineapple RIGHT NOW?" I replied "well, I wanted some and we had a pineapple" and his face was priceless. I think the correct word here is "incredulous." He just shook his head and reminded me that we were supposed to have left for Kate and Rusty's 2 minutes ago. Whoops. I honestly have no idea what part of me thought it was ok to start cutting up a pineapple. I knew we had to walk out the door. My oh my this pregnancy brain thing is always creeping up on me!
Tuesday night, Brittney and I had to teach a coupon class and we had decided to meet at a parking lot next to Sheetz so we could ride together. I had called her on my way and found out I was ahead of her by about 5 minutes so I thought that was just enough time for me to stop in Sheetz and use the ladies room. And get a donut. I promise I went in with every intention of just going to the bathroom but they put the donut case right in the middle on your way to the back! How was I supposed to resist?!
I went to the gym and ran Thursday night. I only put this in here because it makes me feel better after the donut story.
Friday night, Brittney and I taught a coupon class at Kate's house (remember she's the one that lives down the street) and we bring the refreshments to each class as part of what we do. Brittney had baked a ton of cookies and when she got to my house we put them on one of my plates because she forgot the platter. After the class we loaded up the car and I carried out the plate of cookies, set them on the hood of the car and said "Brittney, don't let me forget to grab these before we leave" and proceeded to put my purse and other bag in the car, climb into the passenger seat, buckle up and wait for us to pull off. After Brittney dropped me off at my house and was getting ready to leave she said "I'm just going to leave the rest of those cookies here, ok?" COOKIES?? My eyes got real wide and I asked her if the plate of cookies was still on top of her car. Definitely not. I started to get mad at myself and Brittney said "Come on, get in the car, we gotta go find em, this is gonna be so funny!" So I grabbed my phone and got in the car and we drove verrryy slowly back to Kate's house. Sure enough, right at the base of her driveway was this:

Yep, the cookies had fallen off the car as we backed out of the driveway and we ran over the plate as we drove off. There was no salvaging the plate or the cookies. We laughed until we cried. I'll try to post the video later on so you can get a better idea of just how funny it was. =)
Here is my HALF WAY survey! WooHoo!
How far along? 20 weeks! Half way to meeting my SON!
Weight gain? Don't know because I didn't weigh myself this week.
maternity clothes? I'm still tryin to rock my regular clothes. Cept the shirts where the buttons are popping open. And you can't tell that none of my pants are zipped can ya? =)
Sleep? I think we're to the point where baby boy thinks its time to get up and play (and by play I mean kick) when I lay down to go to sleep. So far I'm amused and not irritated.
stretch marks? Nope.
Best moment this week? Finding out that my little one is a BOY!!!!!!
movement? I've felt him turn around several times! How fun!!
food cravings? fruit (obviously pineapple) and egg and cheese biscuits (dangit, this craving will NOT leave me!!)
Food aversions? coffee still makes me gag in case you were wondering.
what I'm looking forward to... Picking out nursery furniture and bedding now that we know he's a boy!
milestones... The u/s tech said he is about 5-7 inches long so he's as long as my hand!
I haven't taken a picture yet this week so I'll have to post that when I take one...
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