About Me

about me

This is the place where I first fell in love with blogging. This is where I record stories and memories of my life and where I come back and relive them over and over.

In a nutshell, I'm a wife to a handsome and wonderful guy, mommy to 2 precious boys, runner and gym lover, frugal shopper, blogger, lover of all things healthy, recent excited experimenter in the kitchen, essential oil addict and owner of the biggest sweet tooth around.

If you care to stick around and read some more, here's a little deeper dive into my wonderful sweet life:

I married the love of my life almost 8 years ago after only dating 6 months and being engaged for 8. I knew the moment I met this man that I would spend the rest of my life with him. This is a story I'll write down one day, I promise.

Four years into our marriage we gave birth to the most amazing little boy who is our wild child, our active one, the boy who captured our hearts. He's got shaggy dirty blonde hair and a killer smile. He's tender and kind and loves music and weapons. He's our Pax-man.

Enter Maverick, a little over 3 years later. Our second son and second thief of our hearts. He's the mild child, easy going and laid back, but stubborn as his mama! He's got a toothy grin that'l send me over the edge, and a personality that keeps us wondering how we got so blessed. Even though he's a baby, his smooth affect acts as an anchor for me sometimes.

Some things you ought to know about me are that I am frugal at heart and started A Penny Filled Pantry with my sister-in-law several years ago. I love to run and work out, and have a love for all things healthy. I'm a little crunchy sometimes, but that's ok. We laugh about it and move on :)

I'm a pastor's wife, and when we were only engaged, we agreed to move to another state and help plant a church. We also agreed to help water and grow it, for better or worse, knowing full well that lots of church plants don't survive. We stuck around through the good times and the bad, until it became clear earlier this year that it was not the church we were to be at anymore.

The last year of our lives has been crazy and hectic, starting with me getting the flu and finding out I was pregnant in practically the same week. We sold our house, moved in with my mother-in-law, had a baby, totaled my car, built a house, bought a new car, lost a job, hubby was hospitalized for a week, and both of us got new jobs.

I've been stretched and grown this past year more than ever before and I hope my actions and attitudes glorify Christ no matter what. We serve a mighty God and I love the story He's writing for our lives, even though at times it may be painful or confusing. He is busy weaving our perfect story and we're so blessed to be called His children.

I'm honored that you've chosen to join us for a few of the glimpses of our lives and I hope you find these moments humorous, helpful, or entertaining at least.

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