Here are some random moments from this week...
I went to go to a meeting on Thursday at work that I've had every other week since last July. Same place, same people, same time. I got on the elevator and stared at the numbers and could not, for the life of me, remember what floor my meeting was on. The girl on the elevator with me looked at me with that "are you ok?" look and I finally pushed the "3" button... then the "4" button. She looked at me again but I ignored her. She got off on 2. Then I decided that 3 must not be it and even if it was, I could just walk back down one flight of stairs if need be. I got off on 4 and luckily ran into someone who attends this meeting with me. She reassured me that I was on the right floor and that pregnancy brain is normal. This baby better be smart since he/she is taking all my brain cells!!
Friday night Brandon and I were driving down the road and all of a sudden I saw the Krispy Kreme hot sign on. I yelled out that the hot sign was on but unfortunately for us, we were in the far right lane and KK was on the left and it was 5:00 traffic. Fortunately for us on our return trip, the hot sign was on again and my wonderful hubby pulled right in. We got in line and ordered 4 hot glazed donuts and the couple behind us pointed out that it was basically highway robbery to get less than a dozen because of the price per single donut. We took their advice and walked out with a dozen. And yes, they were glorious. And worth every penny and every calorie.
Saturday I went for a walk and ended up walk/jogging a mile. I realized that running is a lot harder when a) I haven't run in 4 months b) I weigh 10 pounds more than I did when I was running c) my bladder screams at me every step of the way (even though I went to the bathroom right before I left!!). However, I realized that running is a lot easier after going to the doctor the day before and being humiliated by the number on the scale. And before you jump to conclusions, yes I know I'm supposed to gain weight when I'm pregnant and yes I'm planning on gaining every pound of that healthy amount. BUT, if I continue to gain at the rate I'm gaining, I will be an ELEPHANT in JULY!!!! I am NOT exaggerating!! In fact I'm considering not telling how much I gained in the last month but because this a journal of my first pregnancy I will tell all, and suffer the embarrassment of knowing that you all know how much of a heffer I am. In case you don't know, "heffer" means a woman of substantial weight, a person who weighs more than a healthy BMI allows, a woman who has backfat, a woman whose thighs say "excuse me, pardon me, excuse me, pardon me" every time she takes a step, a woman who eats a dozen Krispy Kreme donuts.
Ok, now that that's over... I went to the doctor Friday and absolutely LOVED the provider I saw this week! He was FABULOUS! He made jokes, he was serious, he was confident but not cocky. When he was done examining me, he sat in his chair, leaned back against the wall and told me to ask questions. And he didn't flinch when I pulled a list of questions out of my purse. And he listened to every one and answered every one and assured me that I am normal, I have valid concerns, and I was smart to write down my questions. He can deliver my baby.
Ok, here's this week's survey (and I know you all are just going to scroll down to "weight gained" sections but that's ok, I'm gonna get that under control... I think...)
How far along? 19 weeks
Weight gain? ok ok, 6 pounds in 4 weeks. And yes, this is more than I should have gained.
maternity clothes? I just wear my regular jeans and don't button or zip them.
Sleep? I need more of it.
stretch marks? Nope.
Best moment this week? Having the doctor tell us that next week we get to go for our ultrasound to find out the sex of the baby!!
movement? Yes, love when the little booger starts kickin around =)
food cravings? fruit and Krispy Kreme
Food aversions? coffee still. I'm concerned that this won't go away but I guess I don't need to worry about this until August since I can't have caffeine right now anyways.
what I'm looking forward to... Finding out if this little angel is a boy or a girl!! Any guesses?? =)
milestones... Running again =) woot woot!
Here's the 19 week picture...
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