...Speaking of lifegroup and my group meeting at school... ok, all you lifegroupers, go ahead and laugh because I still get embarrassed thinking about this story! =) But I've laughed every time I thought about it too =) When lifegroup was wrapping up, I asked if anyone was parked behind my side of the garage since I had to go ahead and leave to get to my group meeting. Lance was getting ready to go move his car since he was parked behind me when Rusty suggested that I just take Brandon's car. Great idea! I told Brandon i would just take his car and went out to the garage, unlocked my car and got my school bag out, came back inside and told everyone goodbye. Then I proceeded to the front door and had almost shut the door when I heard "Bethany!" Slightly irritated, since everyone knew I had somewhere to be and I was going to be late if I didn't leave right then, I stepped back into the house and said "yes?" Rusty had a bewildered look on his face as he said "You know Brandon's car is in the garage, right?" OH-MY-GOSH! I was stunned. Not that Brandon's car was in the garage, but that I had JUST BEEN IN THE GARAGE!!! I even made sure my door didn't hit Brandon's car when I opened it to get my school bag out! HOW DUMB CAN I BE? I was mortified but also very tickled at the thought that I had done something that stupid. I was laughing so hysterically that tears and makeup were streaming down my face and I could hardly breathe! All I have to say is that this better be one brilliant baby for all the brain cells he keeps stealing from me!!! =)
Ok, now that we've all had a good laugh, let me go back and tell about my weekend with Mom and Josh. They came down because it was Josh's birthday (Happy Birthday!!) and we went shopping at the mall. I ended up meeting them there because I was coming straight from my coupon class and when I got there, they were already there shopping. The store they were in was glassed in and they saw me before I saw them and by the time I got to the store's entrance Mom was standing there with a strange look on her face. Keep in mind that this was the first time I had seen my mom since Christmas. She has been reading my blog and has seen the pictures of me each week but I think it was somewhat of a shock to see me in person. During the time it took for me to look at her face and take a few steps toward her to hug her, her face just dissolved into tears! They were happy tears (and probably tears of shock too haha!) but we stood there crying and laughing together at the entrance to this store in the middle of the mall and the poor sales guys inside didn't know what to make of us!! I'm sure we made a scene but neither one of one really noticed and Josh was trying to distract himself with a pair of shoes I think =) weird emotional women! =) I guess as a mother it is probably very surreal to see your own daughter pregnant. I only hope that I can be half the mother that she is to me. She is the epitome of "mom" meaning she really does give Josh and I the best of everything even if it means taking none at all for herself. I'll always remember times when I would think "she really likes the burnt part of the pie?" and "I guess she really wasn't hungry" and "I wonder why she didn't want the rest of that." And only later as I figured it out, I realized that she was giving up the best for her to give it to me and Josh. No, she didn't really like burnt pie, and yes she was hungry, and yes she wanted the rest of that, but she is Mom and Mom is selfless. I hope these mom-qualities come with birthing a child because my nature now is the exact opposite of that! I love you Mom and thanks for all you do for me!
On another note about my weekend with Mom and Josh, remember I said they came down to celebrate Josh's birthday right? Well, I forgot apparently because I DIDN'T GIVE HIM HIS BIRTHDAY PRESENT!!! I'm a horrible sister!!! Who does that?!? Celebrate a birthday all weekend and FORGET THE PRESENT?! Wow... all I have to say is I've gotten stupider as each week of my pregnancy goes by. Lord only knows what I'll be like come August... pray for me will ya?
Survey for this week...
How far along? 21 weeks! wow, less than that to go!
Weight gain? Didn't weigh myself
maternity clothes? Yes and no. I'm wearing some maternity pants and some of my regular jeans still and all my regular shirts. I also got a bellyband this weekend!! The question is... WHY did I not get one of these bad boys before now?!? Now I can wear my regular jeans without worrying if they will fall down or there will be an "undies sighting."
Sleep? To tell you the truth, I've been so busy and so exhausted lately that some nights I sleep the whole night through. No joke. The other nights I still get up at least once.
stretch marks? Nope.
Best moment this week? Spending time with my mom and bother!! I think these past 3 months may officially be the longest amount of time in my life that I've gone without seeing them. I'm serious. And I'll tell ya, it was wayyyy toooo lonnnngg. They're coming back in 2 weeks =) that's usually how we roll =)
movement? He's an active little munckin! And he's getting stronger! kicks and flips and all sorts of good exercise =)
food cravings? bagels and strawberries. I've eaten a bagel every single day this week. Not kidding.
Food aversions? please don't take me to starbucks anytime soon
what I'm looking forward to... Brandon being able to feel him kick
milestones... babycenter says he now weighs 3/4 of a pound! Wow!!
Mom took my 21 week picture for me! Thanks Mom!

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