I feel like I need to post a separate post about our Valentine's weekend to give each topic its own attention so this will be all about baby Delk =)
How far along? 16 weeks today!
Weight gain? 7 pounds as of my last weigh-in... haven't weighed myself since...
maternity clothes? not yet but boy are my jeans getting tight!
sleep? better I think... Brandon gave me a pregnancy pillow for Valentine's day so I slept very well last night =) thanks babe =) I also still have really vivid dreams, like dreams about getting a ticket for not putting enough money in a parking meter, dreams about people I know getting pregnant, dreams about work, etc!
stretch marks? None yet
Best moment this week? My valentine's date with Brandon... we both got all dolled up and went to a Japanese steakhouse and it was delicious and I love my sweet sweet Valentine =)
Movement? I thought I felt the baby move Friday night right before I went to sleep but I think it might have been my stomach growling... wish I knew how to tell for sure =)
Food cravings? this week definitely Chick-fil-a... oh my, I had chicken minis for breakfast and nuggets and fries for lunch... all week!
Food aversions? still coffee and anything sweet... its sad really
What I'm looking forward to? another week of feeling good and not having morning sickness all day every day!!!
Milestones... I had several breakthroughs this week! I ate FRUIT for the first time in 3 months!!!! I actually wanted it and it even tasted good to me!!! I ate blueberries and pineapple and strawberries and grapes!! And it was delicious! Exactly how I remember it! Annnd I ate a SALAD this week!!! Now, it was just the salad at the Japanese steakhouse last night, basically just lettuce and ginger dressing but it was a salad and I ate it and didn't gag!! Breakthrough!! Now I still don't want to even think about spinach or spring mix salads but lettuce is a start! woot woot!
Babycenter.com says the baby is now 4.5 inches long and the eyes and ears are moving more into their permanent position!
Here's the 16 week bump picture... the girl that looks like a whale, yeah that's me.

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