I think being pregnant also may kill off some smart brain cells because I did something very stupid this week. I'm almost too embarrassed to tell anyone. In fact, I waited almost a week before telling my mom. Please don't judge me. I am still reeling at how terribly stupid this was. Ok, since I've been pregnant, I've been eating a lot of frozen pizzas (they were free at Harris Teeter one week and they are something I want that I can "cook" at home and not have to go out to get a hot meal spur of the moment) and some of the frozen pizzas I've been making are the kind you place directly on the rack in the oven. Well, with that kind of pizza, its inevitable that you will get cheese and crust crumbs on the rack and down in the bottom of the oven. The last night I cooked a frozen pizza I forgot to clean off the rack after it cooled so when I wanted bagel bites the other night, I preheated the oven and a few minutes later, I realized I had forgotten to clean the rack from the pizza before. It smelled burnt. I'm sensitive to smells right now so I thought, "well I'll fix this" and I grabbed a wad of napkins, so I wouldn't burn myself obviously, and proceeded to wipe off the oven rack and get the cheese off. In the process, I knocked a crumb down into the bottom of the oven. I didn't want it to burn and smell too so I reached down and picked up the crumb. To my dismay, and believe me when I say I was truly shocked when this happened, my wad of napkins caught on fire from having touched the hot coil of the preheating oven. This is where the description "stupid" is entirely necessary because I really was surprised that I was holding a burning wad of napkins in my hand. I froze. It was like my brain could not process what to do next. I considered dropping the whole bunch of napkins right there, but discarded that idea and opted to make a run for the sink. By the time I was able to drop the napkins in the sink and fling on the water, I had almost burned my hand off. It was only at this point that I remembered I had a voice and managed to screech out "Brandon!" When Brandon came running into the kitchen, the sink was on full blast, I was waving a dish towel around my head like a mad woman and smoke was wafting up toward the smoke detector. Plus, the oven was still open (not preheating at this point, boo) and my bagel bites were still frozen. Not to mention the adrenaline rush I got from realizing just how close I'd come to burning down the house. Note to self: the next time I encounter flames inside, react SOONER!!
This week my baby realized his/her roots because Friday night I could not stop craving Japanese food! And of course we had Japanese again for lunch yesterday =)
I think I've come to realize why my morning sickness has persisted. I've noticed that after being on the computer for awhile, I start feeling really sick. I'm wondering if looking at the screen is making me nauseous because at work I constantly feel sick and yesterday when I was doing a research paper I felt really sick and had to stop and take a break several times. As honestly as I think this may be contributing to my morning sickness, I know most of you are thinking "yeah right, she just doesn't want to work or do school work!" Hey, it could be my subconscious telling me what's best for me right now =)
I guess probably the only interesting change in the survey was the weight gained and last week I told you I was going to the doctor so I guess I better spill the beans. Let's just say I semi-freaked out when the nurse weighed me this time... why? Because I gained 5 pounds in 4 weeks!! Aggghhh! I know I need to gain weight and that I will gain weight, but holy moly! I need to pace myself! I've still got 6 months to go!! That means that I've gained a total of 7 pounds so far. I don't think its going to my "bump" either so that means its all in my cheeks, butt and thighs!! Yikes! Who wants to make me run???
Here is baby bump pic at week 15. Sorry there were no weeks 13 or 14 pictures... a combination of no time and not feeling good equaled no picture taking.
This is a front view... don't I look THICK? I mean, dang! What has this girl been eating?! =)
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