This was a big week for me. Why? Because for the first time, I felt the baby kick!!! I was so excited! I was in shock at first and then as I switched positions I felt it again and I was ecstatic! It was just a few little taps, like someone tapping you on the shoulder to get your attention and I just imagine my little munchkin saying "hey mom, its me, I'm here!" That was Friday morning. Then Friday night I felt the baby kick again and tried frantically to get Brandon's hand on my stomach in time but the baby stopped kicking =(
I had another bout of pregnancy brain this week. Involving cooking again. I know you guys are already worried so let me reassure you, I did not burn down the house. However, I did forget 2 ingredients in the meatloaf. I was very excited that I was going to cook and had decided that I was going to cook meatloaf and mac'n'cheese and corn. Yummy. Well, I got to cooking and forgot the ketchup and bbq sauce in the meatloaf and didn't realize it until I had set the cooked meatloaf on the table next to the ketchup. Oh well... Brandon was a sport and listened to me pitch a huge fit (did I mention the pregnancy hormones and emotions caught up to me in this trimester??) and then ate my meatloaf and told me how wonderful it was. Then later when we were about to fall asleep all of a sudden I realized that I had made meatloaf, mac'n'cheese and RICE... not corn. I was distraught that I had forgotten to make corn. I mean, the rice was fine and all but I had planned on corn. If anyone has seen my brain or my memory, could you tell them I'm looking for them? K, thanks.
Survey time...
How far along? 17 weeks
Weight gain? Haven't weighed myself since my last doctor's appointment...
maternity clothes? I wore my first pair of maternity pants this week!
Sleep? Still up and down to potty and dreaming in between
stretch marks? None yet...
Best moment this week? Feeling the baby kick! I wait in anticipation of the next kicks!!
movement? Yes, tap tap tap, "I'm here Mommy!"
food cravings? Well this week I wanted fruit and yogurt parfaits... at least I'm craving healthier foods!! And I actually ate sweet foods this week too! I had a Krispy Kreme donut (well, 2) and they were wonderful! and Friday night, Brandon and I had a coupon and a giftcard to coldstone and I actually wanted ice cream and it was delicious! First time I've had ice cream in 4 months!! that's a record folks! You'll probably never see me go that long without ice cream ever again... I'm serious.
Food aversions? coffee coffee coffee
what I'm looking forward to... feeling the baby kick again and more often (I know I'll probably recant that statement later on when I'm getting kicked in the ribs and the bladder but for now I'm so anxious to feel my little one move!)
milestones... Feeling the baby kick, wearing maternity clothes, eating ice cream again, feeling energetic enough to organize my pantry and free closet... I think I'm trying to gear up for cleaning out the guest room to turn it into a nursery...
Here's bump picture for week 17...where did that thing come from? I promise it wasn't there last week!!! haha!