I've often said throughout this little blog that I have a terrible memory. Its true. I can't remember so much that I wish I could. Honestly, I attribute it mainly to my own little version of PTSD. My family went through a traumatic shattering when I got home from my freshman year of college. By shattering, I mean just that. Picture a beautifully clear window, with no imperfections, fresh coat of paint around the edges. Now picture a sledgehammer swinging through the early summer breeze and creating tiny shards of splintered glass. I can almost hear the noise, almost feel sharp edges of barely visible pieces of glass pricking my arms.
We were never the same. Sure, we were versions of ourselves, but mainly masks over cut and bleeding selves for a long time. The psychology of the whole thing - a divorce - is mind-blowing, almost too much. I would argue that these events changed me - and Mom and Josh - literally. All three of us have battled terrible memories since these events. Now you might laugh at this, but I don't remember having a bad memory prior to this. But seriously!
I didn't even mean to write all of that, but now that its done, I think I'll leave it. Sorry to have started out such a fun post with such a depressing story. If it helps at all, we have all moved on and are happy. Simply, wonderfully, happy. And time will tell, but for now, we're ok. Thank you, Lord.
Anywho... on to the memories I just can't bear to forget.
I've had a few moments of pregnancy brain so far this pregnancy and they are just too humorous to forget. There was that one day a few weeks ago when I left my keys at Michaels and the cashier had to come running after me because I was oblivious. In my defense, I would have probably figured it out eventually :)
The next pregnancy brain moments is one of my favorites. I was picking Paxton up from the sitter's house and was busy writing her a check when she interrupted me. She looked at my quizzically and said "Made to the order of... Paxton??" I wrote a check to my 2-year-old. Hilarious!
The other day I had picked Paxton up after work and as we were driving down the road, I asked him how his day was, what he did, etc. Then I asked him what he had for lunch, and he answered. Then I asked if he had a snack and his response made me immediately burst with laughter. He said "Mom, I've already answered this question. Please do not ask me that again." This kid!
Another Paxton-ism while we were driving down the road the other day... I heard from the backseat soft singing (as I usually do when we're in the car, you know, Wheels on the Bus, The Farmer in the Dell, etc) then abruptly "Goodness gracious! We're gonna have to get some scissors and cut that!" I have no idea what he was referring to but my little toddler sounded so grown up!
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