How far along? 17 weeks
Weight gain? Ummm... 13lbs already! I wanted to fall off the scale at the doctor's office. How is it possible to gain weight this quickly?! Morning sickness? MUCH much better. I've resigned myself to that yucky feeling every morning and practically run to the kitchen to get breakfast as soon as I wake up. I also have to chew minty gum every second I'm not eating. Weird but it helps keep that slight queasy feeling away.
Maternity clothes? Pants still, but I'm trying to rock non-maternity tops for as long as possible. Someone please feel free to prove me wrong, but for the most part, maternity shirts are NOT cute. I just don't have any desire to look like I'm wearing a flowery potato sack.
Best moment this week? Getting to hear baby #2's heartbeat again at our doctor's appointment! Plus we got to schedule our anatomy scan ultrasound where we'll find out the sex of the baby! Eeeeee!!! SO excited! We will be having a gender reveal party so stay tuned for some (hopefully) "Pin-able" pictures and an update of what baby #2 is!
Movement? Kicks and flips! Baby has been kicking mostly on the right side but I noticed a funny feeling earlier this week and then kicks on the left side! Someone is swimming laps in there! ;) As far as MY movements (aka exercise) I wrote a post about running during the first trimester and will have an update soon on how exercising and running in the second trimester is going.
Food cravings? Nothing really spectacular still. Totally bummed about this. I guess maybe I should be grateful because cravings could be anything...
Food aversions? Coffee for sure and sweets somewhat. I've actually eaten a few pieces of candy (first time in 4 months!!) and a few random bites of dessert here and there. Then during the middle of this past week, I started thinking non-stop about a blueberry cake donut from Dunkin Donuts and decided to do what my hubby has been telling me "follow your craving", so I did! I scarfed that donut down in about 35 seconds! :) I had to pop a piece of gum immediately afterwards so my tummy didn't get too queasy but it sure was delicious.
What I’m looking forward to… Finding out the sex of this baby!!
Here is my comparison of pregnancy #1 and #2 in the same week... The picture on the left is me 17 weeks pregnant with baby #1 and the picture on the right is me pregnant now with baby #2!
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