This is Brandon and I at the Japanese steakhouse where I chose to celebrate my quarter century birthday!
I knew that I wanted to plan a surprise party for Brandon's 25th birthday because it was such a big birthday, it seemed like the perfect time to surprise him! I worked really hard to keep everything a secret (with the help of family and some good friends) and even had to "white lie" a few times (about why I changed my facebook password etc...) and Brandon had no idea... until party day when I "BUTT DIALED" him!!! For those of you who don't know what "butt dialing" is or missed the recent commercial about it, "butt dialing" is when you accidentally call someone without realizing it, usually from putting your phone in your back pocket and sitting down. Minutes before the party, I accidentally called Brandon and he overheard me talking to my brother-in-law, Cole, about the party... WHOOPS! Butt-dial aside, everything else went off without a hitch! Brandon's brother, Brad, did a great job of getting him out of the house all day playing golf for his birthday so he wasn't suspicious. Brittney and Cole helped me a TON by helping me run errands, pick up last minute things (like the dish for the strawberry shortcake that I HAD to have!) and bake and cook ALL DAY. Brittney and I managed to make meatballs, cupcakes, mini pigs-in-a-blanket, cut up fresh fruit with homemade yogurt dip, strawberry shortcake, and a party mix! Brandon's mom, Joan, picked up dozens of wings from Outback (since we had these for our wedding and Brandon LOVED them!) and believe it or not, most of the food was GONE!! I owe a huge thank you to everyone who helped out and who came to Brandon's party and helped make it such a memorable birthday for him... he told me afterwards that it was by far his favorite birthday ever! Woohoooo! Success!!
Here is the birthday boy!
Here is the yummy strawberry shortcake dessert that I was so excited about making for Brandon!
Some of the party guests... thanks for making this a special birthday for my hubby!
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