On to the good news. We're pregnant again! Paxton is going to be a big brother! We are absolutely thrilled and obviously this is what is spurring on my want to blog again. I captured the moments of my first pregnancy and have so enjoyed being able to go back and read through those memories and I want to do the same with this pregnancy. I don't want to forget a thing. Some of it might not be fun, it may be painful, and I might (scratch that, I WILL) complain, but I want to remember it. There's something so precious about reading through my thoughts years later. I get to relive it in a way and that is so so sweet.
So to catch you up on where we are now, here's a little history...
About a year ago we knew we wanted to start trying to have another baby. In fact, it was a little over a year ago and the funniest thing happened. Once Brandon and I agreed we were ready for Baby #2, Paxton got very very sick. So sick, we ended up in the Emergency Room on Christmas night. We didn't sleep for 3 days. We reevaluated and decided we weren't quite ready for that kind of a night plus a baby. We waited. A few weeks later we decided we were ready. Paxton got sick. Very sick. We didn't sleep for 3 days. We reevaluated and decided to wait. A few weeks later, we're ready. Repeat process of Paxton getting sick, us not sleeping, having terrified thoughts of crazed sleepless nights and a baby on top of all that. For literally 6 months this happened to us. Then we decided, ya know, maybe the timing just isn't right. Brandon is a little more keen to this than I am.
Then just a few weeks ago I went to the doctor and found out I was pregnant. It was very early on- only 4 weeks- and we were so excited to tell our families. BUT, we got the flu. Paxton got it first and even though I was determined not to get it - afterall I had gotten my flu shot this year AND I lysoled everything in my house (literally everything, including the shampoo in the shower and milk in the fridge. I wasn't messin' around) - I got it anyways. I started having a sore throat Tuesday night and by Wednesday morning I knew I had the flu. I went to the doctor and we decided not to do Tamiflu because they weren't sure of the effects on babies in utero. It was a painfully long and miserable week. Many many thanks to my husband, the hero, who cared for us, and for the families from church who made us homemade soup. I was so disappointed that we wouldn't be able to tell our families that weekend.
Then the following Friday, I woke up (6 weeks pregnant) with a not so lovely and all too familiar feeling- morning sickness- and despite the sleet and snow, we drove to Lynchburg to stay with my mom and Deryl for the weekend. They didn't ask why we made the trek through the dangerous weather to get there and once we arrived we had Paxton ask MawMaw to read him his new book, I'm a Big Brother. The look on my mom's face was priceless. It was frozen in shock and then overjoyed! It was totally worth waiting 2 whole weeks to tell her! Congratulations MawMaw! You'll have another grandbaby soon!
While we were there, Josh and Christa came over for dinner and to hang out and mom asked if anyone wanted coffee after dinner. I declined mainly because I didn't want even a cup of decaf to keep me up that night but she and Christa wanted some so she started to brew the coffee. I was sitting at the end of the dining room table and a few minutes into the brewing, the smell reached me and I clamped a hand over my mouth and nose and gagged. I was in shock. With my first pregnancy I had a major aversion to coffee and it made me so sick that I couldn't drink it, smell it or be around it without becoming super nauseous and sick. With Paxton the aversion came on slowly but this time it hit me like a freight train. I spent an hour and a half in the bathroom and bedroom trying to recover from the smell of the coffee. Poor mom ended up taking the Keurig into her bedroom and brewing her cup of coffee the next morning out of the open area where I couldn't smell it. She's so thoughtful!
When we got back home, we planned to have Brandon's family over for dinner Sunday night. Somewhat suspicious since we don't do that often, and only Brittney, her kids, and Joan were there at first. Brad and Jessica (and friends haha!) came soon afterwards, but we missed having Nana and Pop too. We had Paxton pray for dinner and with only a little prompting from Brandon, he prayed also for the baby in mommy's belly. Joan wasn't shocked. She said she had a feeling that's why we were having everyone over for dinner but Brittney was shocked! She had no idea! And I was shocked she was shocked! I felt like I had dropped so many clues and that I thought surely she knew!
Here's how I'm feeling right now:
How far along? 10 weeks 5 days
Weight gain? 5lbs already! I’ve slacked on the running lately because of all the morning sickness and exhaustion and have been famished!
Morning sickness? YES. Oh yes. But this is 24/7 all day all night sickness. Starting promptly when I was 6 weeks pregnant, I have been green around the edges day and night. I’ve left work in the middle of the day (leaving everything except my keys!), hugged the white throne, and practically thrown the laptop mid-deal-posting for fear of losing my breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Pray for me!
Maternity clothes? not yet. I pretty much refuse to wear any maternity clothes until I reach the second trimester. I did have to buy new pajama bottoms that were a little less tight around the waist but I’m totally not counting that 
Best moment this week? Seeing my baby during the ultrasound today. I cried, well, like a baby, actually. Pun fully intended.
Movement? Not yet. He/she is moving, we saw that in the ultrasound, but I can’t quite feel it yet.
Food cravings? Not really, unless you count that week where I only wanted BBQ bacon cheeseburgers and that morning I had fish sticks for breakfast. Other than that, no cravings except for wanting whatever will make me feel less nauseous right then.
Food aversions? Coffee, just like in my first pregnancy, and -gasp- SWEETS. There is something majorly wrong with me. I LOVE sweets. Let me repeat. I LOVE SWEETS. But I canNOT stomach even the THOUGHT of something sweet right now. All desserts, breakfast foods that are sweet, all fruit, and even any vegetables that are slightly sweet make me gag and my stomach turn in circles. Literally. I opened a yogurt for my son the other morning, didn’t think about it and licked my finger, and almost had to bolt for the bathroom. So sad. So, so sad. 
What I’m looking forward to… hearing the baby’s heartbeat in a few weeks.