Today at work, there was a health fair. I found out my cholesterol, my blood pressure, my bmi, my waist size, and my weight. My weight... Ahh yes, this numerical enemy that haunts every female, especially after giving birth. I have to be honest. I got on the scale and hollered out loud because I realized that for the first time since bringing little Paxton into this world, I am at my pre-pregnancy weight! And since I obviously had to explain the loud explosion, the lady working the "weigh in station" said, "well gosh, I guess you'll be excited to know that most people are saying consistently that this scale is 3 pounds off... so you're actually 3 pounds lighter than that!"
WOOHOO! Not that I've been really stressed over it because I'm breastfeeding and that truly has been the best diet ever, but I was wondering when I'd reach my pre-pregnancy weight. And for those of you faithful readers (probably only my mom and my sister-in-law haha!) if you remember, before we started trying to get pregnant, I lost 10 pounds, so I am actaully lighter than I had been for a few years straight! YAY!
All this to say... I'm celebtrating the realization that I now weigh less than my pre-pregnancy weight... with a BIG OLE FAT CHOCOLATE MILKSHAKE! (seriously, I am).
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Ok folks! PAXTON IS OFFICIALLY CRAWLING!!! My kid is mobile! Ahhh, he's growing up way too fast!
Monday, January 31, 2011
Brain Dump
So because I haven't blogged in foreverrrr, I thought I'd just do a brain dump of everything that's going on. Keep your arms and legs inside at all times and hold on tight because here we go!
- my little brother popped the question... congrats Josh and Christa =) so excited for you two, I hope you love and respect each other for all the rest of your days and wish nothing less than a lifetime of adoration for one another and happiness.
- i've discovered flavor-blasted goldfish (thanks to my coworker, Kelly)- if you haven't ever tried them... DO! Disclaimer: if you don't want to add a new addiction in your life, DON'T! They are delish...and really do have flavor packed in them!! haha
- we cleaned out my car (finally... I live out of my vehicle, bad I know, but a direct result of such a busy life!!) and went to one of those car wash joints where they roll your car through the washing thingy and then all these little boys (well not little really, more like high school and college aged guys) run around and wipe off all the water and then clean the inside for you too. It was my first time at one of these kinds of car wash places and such a learning experience. Fun fact: did you know that no one drives your car through the washing part? It is pushed by little roller thingys.
- Paxton now eats baby food like a champ! He has eaten (and LOVED!) sweet potatoes, pears, peaches, and bananas. At night, I mix in rice cereal in hopes that it will sit in his tummy a little longer and we can all sleep a little more.
- I have successfully unsuccessfully tried to sleep train Paxton 3 times now. The wildly crazy thing is that I sort of like getting up in the middle of the night with him. I know, I MUST be out of mind (kind of like how I kinda sorta maybe might miss being pregnant, even though I swore I would never ever say that since I was so nauseas and so fat) but I'm not saying I don't miss my sleep, I'm just saying that there's something special about cuddling with my baby when all of the world is sleeping... after he's back asleep, I usually hold him and kiss his face all over and contemplate sleeping the rest of the night in the rocker, holding him on my chest... then gently lay him back in his crib.
- Paxton can now roll from back to tummy to back (to tummy to back to tummy to back... all across the living room floor)
- I got a new job, maybe one day I'll share this crazy story
- Paxton weighed 21lbs 8 oz at his doctors appointment 2 weeks ago... crazy kid!
- My neice, Collyn, was put in the PICU last week because she had RSV and was having trouble breathing. Thank the Lord she is home and doing MUCH better. She is only 3 weeks old and I love her.
- If anyone was worried about my pre-pregnancy twizzler addiction... don't worry, its back. In full force. Like, I have a "family-size" bag in my purse as we speak. The first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem. I'm almost there =)
- Did I tell you I hurt my foot this past fall? Not sure how and not exactly sure when but I was in one of those fabulously fashionable black orthopaedic boots for 9 weeks... and it still hurts. I've got to go back to the doctor before it gets warm out because i'm going to want to run and right now, I want to just cry.
- I love my husband more now than I ever have before.
- I also love my ipad (bahahaha, inside joke that only Brandon will get)
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