Brandon and I celebrated our third anniversary this week! Wow! Time sure has flown by! It seems like just yesterday I was making invitations and wedding favors, going to dress fittings, and picking out new dishes! Now, I come home to MY HUSBAND each night in our comfortable house in our comfortable life! Lord, thank you for choosing to bestow favor and blessing on this little family!! I love my life so much I thought it was about time I started blogging and telling everyone else about it! Blogging is kind of like Twitter to me... does anyone reaaally care enough about me to want to know what I'm doing all the time? Probably not, but I get this itching to write from my Mama... so, I started a blog.
I guess blogs are like public diaries or long facebook status updates so I'll start with what is new in the Delk house. Each year for our anniversary we go on a trip. We didn't start out with this intention but I like it. I want Brandon and I to truly celebrate our life together and cherish this sweet gift of marraige that was given to us by God. By setting aside time to save for, plan, and take a trip together each year we are making our marraige and our relationship a priority. And I like that. For our first anniversary we took the long trek to stay at a local bed and breakfast- only 15 minutes from our apartment but still a night away together! Last year for anniversary number 2, my good friend from college Sierra was kind enough to plan her entire wedding around our anniversary so we could go to NYC! Just kidding, but lucky for us, her wedding was 3 days before our anniversary and since we were going, we decided to make a trip out of it! We stayed for a few days at Sierra and Ryan's condo in Hoboken, NJ and spent our days shopping, eating yummy food, and celebrating with Sierra and Ryan! It was a great 2nd anniversary trip and one I'll never forget.

This year for anniversary #3 we took a couple days to go to Charleston, SC. If you've never been, go. This little city won my heart! We stayed in the historic distric and were within walking distance of pretty much everything! We shopped and ate our way through the city, wandered around a spooky graveyard that was ancient and very cool, walked along the battery and the water, went to the farmer's market Saturday morning, and spent hours admiring the beautiful old homes. It was a very romantic city and the perfect weekend getaway with the love of my life. Here are some pictures:
This was right outside the entrance to a graveyard we walked through... morbid, somewhat... cool, very.

Whoa, flashback honeymoon! We might have worn these outfits in Jamaica! We were going for the romantic nostalgia here... check out the yumminess...

This year for anniversary #3 we took a couple days to go to Charleston, SC. If you've never been, go. This little city won my heart! We stayed in the historic distric and were within walking distance of pretty much everything! We shopped and ate our way through the city, wandered around a spooky graveyard that was ancient and very cool, walked along the battery and the water, went to the farmer's market Saturday morning, and spent hours admiring the beautiful old homes. It was a very romantic city and the perfect weekend getaway with the love of my life. Here are some pictures:
This was right outside the entrance to a graveyard we walked through... morbid, somewhat... cool, very.
Whoa, flashback honeymoon! We might have worn these outfits in Jamaica! We were going for the romantic nostalgia here... check out the yumminess...
Now, to my love, my better half:
I'll never forget the night we met. I went with my brother to a chilly Friday night football game at Liberty University and he introduced me to this handsome stud that I immediately knew I was going to marry. See, some people may be skeptical about that but I had prayed and prayed for God to smack me in the face with my future husband because so far I hadn't been sure about any guy I dated and I wanted to know with certainty if I was going to spend a lifetime with someone. I got home from the football game and promptly went into the office to tell Mom about my night. Before she could even ask I said, "Mom, I met my husband tonight." I couldn't stop giggling and even though you didn't remember my name, I remembered you. And I pursued you. And I got you. Remember how giddy we were when we fell in love? How we would walk and talk and sit on "our" bench in Wyndhurst (which you will still need to aquire for me at some point in our lives...) for hours? Remember the time you visited me at school in Blacksburg and I took you to where they filmed Dirty Dancing? That same day you got a flat tire, the fix-a-flat exploded on your nice clothes, you threw up from something we got at dinner, and your car got towed? Remember me saying it was the worst day ever and you denied it saying you had never had more fun in your life?
At times it still feels like we are honeymooners, doesn't it? Sometimes I pull up in the driveway and I can't believe this life is mine. You are an incredible man. You are funny, and sweet, and real, and loving, and mine. The first couple of months (or years) we had to get used to living with each other and I look back on those fights and laugh. Now, we're like a well-oiled machine. We work well together and I can't imagine spending forever with anybody else. You are my best friend and my soulmate. You lead our spiritual lives, our finances, and just like I said in my vows to you on our wedding day "where you go I will go and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God will be my God. Where you die, I will die and there I will be buried. (Ruth 1:16,17)"
Here's to another hundred years together. I love you Babe.